I am soooo behind on my posts! I will get caught up eventually :o) I have really been looking forward to posting this one, Kyndal's first solo trip to our YMCA Camp Kitaki. She turned seven this spring, the age required to attend our resident camp located between Lincoln and Omaha. I started talking with her about the possibility of attending camp this summer last fall. From the beginning, she had a twinkle in her eye and I had a hunch that she would love the time she spent there.
We were really excited to hear a couple months ago that one of her best friends, Kaysia, would be able to attend the same half-week as Kyndal. I'm certain she would have had a wonderful experience either way, but it was comforting to know she was with a dear friend of hers.
I signed her up for the mini-camp, a half-week (3 nights). They offer it twice during the summer; the second time is the week of our due date, so we chose the first week of summer instead. This happened to fall in the same weekend of our trip to Missouri....joyful timing (NOT!) So we arrived home at 1:45 pm on that Sunday and quickly dumped out her suitcase and re-packed it with the already laid out gear she'd need for Camp and jumped back in the car at 2:30 pm to hit the highway again. The good thing about it, I didn't have as much time to worry/grieve/get nervous about the whole situation! Kyndal is the most independent of our crew and I knew in my heart that she was ready for the opportunity and would thrive just fine. That didn't make it any easier for me to let her go!
We pulled up to the Camp entrance and there were two staff waving their hands in welcome and two more staff on horseback doing the same. There were more staff all the way up the road to the parking lot.....I was sooooo excited and impressed with the welcome! All of our Camp full-time staff were there, whom I know very well, along with all the part time staff for the summer (some of them are staff that work for me during the rest of the year!) So I knew she was in caring hands.

Posing in front of the big red chair

Heading to her cabin

Official Sioux cabin mate

On the bunk she chose. Kaysia hadn't arrived yet and she was trying to save the bed next to her for her friend. I stayed until I felt I had worn out my welcome and assured her Kaysia would be there soon. Fortunately her counselor let her save the bed for Kaysia!

Her name is next to the big orange star by the "S" in Sioux

Ed and Mary Copple are very dear to the YMCA, wonderful contributors and supporters. And I visit with Ed almost every morning when he's Downtown for his workout. He always asks "How are those kids doing?" I was pleased that she was in his sponsored cabin!

I captured a picture of Kaysia and Kyndal at pick-up!
She had a wonderful experience. I missed her to pieces. She was kind of quiet at first on the way home, she wasn't ready to leave Camp and was sad about it! But once she got to talking she couldn't stop raving over how much she loved it. Her favorite things were the frogs and paddleboats, the horseback ride, the crafts, the nachos for lunch, I think you get the picture. She couldn't pinpoint her favorite, she loved it all.
I am so thankful for the opportunities that my family and my children have through the YMCA. I love that it is a safe and enriching atmosphere, with staff that love children and help them grow to meet their potential. That night due to a mix of being exhausted from all the excitement and her longing to be back at camp she became very emotional...we had some major Camp withdrawal tears. The promise of getting to spend a full week next summer helped to "soothe the pain". .......which gives me just a short year to prepare to being away from her for a FULL week, ugh!