Another fall tradition of ours is a visit to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. There is so much to do there, totally family's for all ages. We have always gone with at least one other family and this year was no exception. We went on the Wednesday during fall break....braving the super breezy day. At least it wasn't quite as cold as our visit last year!

We always take some pictures by the pumpkins by the entrance when we first arrive.

This is my favorite part, I got my workout in that day not only with all the walking we did, but by taking several trips around the track on these adult sized carts. Kyndal and Corbin racing...

Casey and our nephew, Daniel.

These are the coolest "jumping pillows"! Kind of like a trampoline, the kids love them! I caught Kennedy in mid-jump; Kyndal is playing with cousin, Ryder, to the left.

We brought Kyndal's friend, Kaysia, with us, and Skylar is another family friend that came. The girls had a blast together.

The corn pit! We found so much corn in our laundry room that weekend, mainly from Casey's clothes!

Corbin! See the lone piece of corn on his chin, ha!

The kids couldn't resist a train ride!

Like I said, we had a big group....we left two babies and two Grandma's at home due to the high winds; but still had a huge crew (14 in all!) It was constant head counting with all those kids (9 of 'em!) It was the Hudson's, my SIL/BIL and their boys, and our friends from Denver, Kelly, Skylar and Dane.

Waiting for a ride in the carts.

Me & my sweetheart!

Taken post-patch at Grandma's house! Had to get in a shot of Chase :o) I got a phone call from the Grandma's saying chili was on the stove and babies were doing great. What a perfect end to such an exhilarating day.