Happy December!!! It's going to be a busy month for our family, but first...
We had a relaxing Thanksgiving...for the most part. We originally planned to have a non-traditional meal on the actual day and go all out on Saturday when Casey's Mom could be with us. That idea didn't fly with the guys...I had to work until noon which left most of the cooking up to Casey.
He decided to smoke the turkey and prepared it the night before. My BIL had bought it, a 20 pounder so Casey had to get up at 3 am to start the smoker. He must have been stressed about it because he woke up every hour to check on it and even had a nightmare about it. Yours truly of course woke up every time too. Not the greatest night of sleep.
BUT it was the best turkey I have ever had and he did an awesome job of juggling 4 kids and cooking a feast for 18 people!
Wednesday night the kids prepared a Thanksgiving game for us to play...
Painting turkey feathers!
We love painting!

Playing the game! It's a simple game from
The Idea Room, roll the dice and if you don't already have a "feather" on that number you can add one. Your turn ends when you roll a number you already have. Kennedy kicked our tails on it, Kyndal and I kept rolling the same numbers over and over and over.

Our sweet little turkeys! I was too stuffed and exhausted to take many pictures, just got a few.

Jodee and Kamree for the hand-me-down turkey shirt!
After hitting the stores for some major Black Friday shopping, Kennedy asked if we could decorate. I was ready to drop after two nights of next to no sleep, but those big brown eyes get me every time. Plus it was super nice and Casey seemed motivated to do it and the kids were all in good moods.
So I bribed them to clean out their stockpile in my car while we pulled all the tubs out of the attic and Casey got busy putting up our house lights.
Chase even pitched in and they vacuumed!
The totes are down!

Super Dad on the rooftop!

Tradition to take a photo of all the kids in a tote. Couldn't all fit anymore! So funny that both boys have their tongues out!!!

My curious boys

After decking the halls we got ready for our Friday night ritual, jammies, a movie and a sleepover in the living room. The girls found matching pj's and got in a silly mood...

One last little plug. My big sis tricked out Kyndal and Corbin's DS's with sticker vinyl...aren't they sweet?! They totally love the personalized look, fun stuff :) Let me know if you are interested, she is starting a new business!