We had a pretty low-key but fun 4th of July this year. The evening before the holiday we hung out at our friends, Erin and Craig's house. We had a blast there last year and enjoyed celebrating with them again this year.

Trying to cool off

We aren't big fans of dropping a lot of dough on fireworks, but Casey did buy just a few for Corbin.

Playing badminton! Craig and Clay vs. Jimmy and Casey

Kyndal takes a turn at the net!

Maria, Cohen and Catherine enjoying the game

Kyndal and Casey goofing off, this was hilarious!

These babies are all two months apart, almost exactly! L to R, Catherine, 13 mo; Chase, 11 mo; McCoy, 9 mo, Josie, 7 mo

The kids love their sloped driveway!

Ryder and Kennedy snuggling in to watch some fireworks

My sweet girls
I worked the morning of the 4th until noon. I got a major surprise when I arrived home, all the laundry was put away, basement and upstairs, including bedrooms, kitchen and dishes, all CLEAN! I expected to find the house in disarray since Casey was flying solo with the kids. He promised them we would head to Seward as soon as I got home if they worked hard. I had no reason to deny them, they did all my work for me!

Off to Seward for the parade!

$1 snow cones, what a deal!

Chase's 1st taste of the cold and sweet treat

Cool bouncy slide!

Our friends, the Livingston's met us to watch the parade, sweet Catherine :)

Clay and Cohen, high 5's

Watching the parade


Happy 4th of July!

When we got home, Casey's Dad showed up, so we hung out at the Whiting's for awhile. It was the perfect end of the holiday weekend!

I love Grandpa!

Chase and McCoy "fighting" over the tractor!