Have you ever had one of those "like mother like daughter" moments? It happened on Friday. Kind of a silly story. On our way to daycare and Kennedy is bummed because she forgot she wanted to bring two marshmallows. One for herself and one for her BFF, Ali. They are in this habit of bringing treats to share with each other (just the two of them), kinda cute, very generous. Anyways, I opened my mouth and before the words came out Kyndal said, "Kennedy, it's nice to share, but you don't need to take a treat every single day. Like once or twice a week is plenty." Seriously, those are the EXACT words I was going to say!
We had a fun day yesterday as a family! We started the morning at our elementary school where we helped with the very first Student Serve Day. This will hopefully be an annual event where hundreds of LPS students serve with a variety of community service projects.
We had three options to help with, litter control at Coddington Park, litter control around the school or spreading mulch around the courtyard. We grabbed a bag and gloves and took off down the street to pick up trash. It was a great opportunity to talk to the kids about littering and how we were helping our community. We are always on the lookout for service projects that our whole family can do together, and the weather was perfect for it yesterday!

We went on the opposite side of the street and were surprised how quickly we filled our bag. We named our family time together the "Hudson Huddle"....a name that I think will stick!

Chase caught a nice snooze in the crisp fall morning. It quickly warmed up though and he was well rested for the rest of the morning :)

Our crew and our trash!

Check out this wooden bead necklace I made for Kennedy!
We surprised the kids with a trip to the zoo after we had filled up our bag. I had some free train ride tickets burning a hole in my pocket! We were all surprised to find they were having a Halloween event with lots of fun activities. We had to rush through the rest of the animal exhibits and onto the train....Kyndal and Corbin both had birthday parties to go to in the afternoon.

Ghost bowling

The volunteers were all dressed up, this sweet lady was a box of crayons. Check out her fingernails, all different colors, so cool!

Bulls Eye practice

Arts and crafts, my kids could have stayed there all.day.long. Check out Kennedy's tongue. I've noticed when she's concentrating on something it comes out!

Chase in his big red shoes!

I asked Kennedy to come take a pic with me and they all rushed over....one happy Mommy!

All aboard!!
After their parties we headed over to my sister's house where we had a surprise party to celebrate her 30th birthday!
We also stayed to watch Nebraska's debut in the Big Ten. Unfortunately, the Husker's didn't play so well, but at least we had cake to enjoy :)

Decorating cakes and cupcakes for Aunt Kara


We've got some bug floating around now too. Everyone seems to have a little bit of a cold and Kyndal is down today with a fever. She slept most of the afternoon.
So we laid low today, did laundry, spent some time outside, bummed around. Our highlight of the day was making these cute pumpkin eggs. This idea came from either Parents or Family Fun magazine, I can't remember which one! With all of the sweet treats around this month, how about making up some of these cuties to snack on? Who said egg dye-ing was just for Easter?

There's that tongue again!!

"Mom, I made a smiley face!"

Just a little candy corn to snack on...

How was your weekend? Any ideas for service projects our family can do? How about fall or Halloween projects to share?