A couple weeks ago our daycare was closed and we were blessed with another beautiful fall day. We spent the morning at our Children's Museum and then headed home for naptime. Chase typically only naps for an hour for me (but sleeps 2-3 hours at daycare, jealous!!) So we took advantage of the sunny and 60 degree day and headed outside for the afternoon. We haven't had much time for yard work lately and typically Casey handles most of the outdoor work. But while the two little ones tootled around I got to raking.

I am working to find ways for our family to volunteer and give to others. My good friend and past co-worker,
Darci, gave me a fabulous idea. Every fall they make homemade caramel and take it with apples to their neighbors.
Last Saturday morning while Casey was away for the weekend deer hunting, we made pumpkin bread and cards. We then bundled up (it was windy and freezing!) and walked around our neighborhood passing them out. I'm embarrassed to say that there are several neighbors I've never met in our area so it was a blessing for us to share a treat with them.
Making the cards

Making the bread
Delivery time!

Later that afternoon we celebrated my nephew's 3rd birthday. Ryder and Kennedy are best buds and we had a relaxing time just chilling for the afternoon and evening. We are so blessed to have so much family here in town!
I think Chase wants one of these :)
Birthday Boy!

Kyndal placed Chase next to her and he loved the piano
The babies playing some tunes, McCoy, Chase and Catherine