I have been MIA, but it's predictable, it happens to me every year at this time. I take so many photos during the fall and the holidays and then my camera barely makes it out of it's case during January. A big part of the reason is that I'm sooooo busy at work during January and February. The Y is packed during this time, our busiest season and I'm seriously trying to keep my head above water!
Personally though, we have been keeping busy the last month. Kyndal and Corbin are both playing basketball. I hope to get some pictures of Kyndal before the end of the season...I am coaching so it makes it difficult! Her team has had a roller coaster season but I've definitely seen some improvements and they are all so enthusiastic and sweet. And very silly at times. Corbin is Mr. Competitive and he's very aggressive. He is loving it and he is also a joy to watch.
Chase is a little parrot, he is 18 months already and repeats every word his older siblings ask him too along with several that they don't! He has the loudest scream I've ever heard too. He is still my sweet little cuddlebug and gives soft little kisses and waves like a penguin when I drop him off at daycare. So sweet.
Miss Kennedy can hardly stand that there are less than six months separating her from the start of Kindergarten. She talks about it pretty much every day now. I can't believe her time at Lora's is almost over. I'm really excited for her to meet more friends her age as she has very few, but I'm sad that her best buddy won't be going to school for another year.
Here is a quick photo summary of what we have been up to for the past six weeks!

When cleaning our toy room a few Saturdays ago, I was "stashing" something to store in the closet that is beneath our staircase which is accessed through the girl's room. (see above, full of clutter.) An idea popped into my head and before I knew it we were in the middle of a fast remodel project.
We had decided we wanted to change the toy room into more of a hangout spot, add a couch, remove the toys... my thought is that we could store all the toys in this cozy little closet that we hadn't thought of. So we spent the rest of the day gutting it, repainting it, sanding down the shelves, laying carpet and reorganizing the toys. We were super pleased with the results!!

Casey let the kids have a little "art" fun on the back of the carpet before laying it!!
And then he proceeded to roll Kyndal up in it, what a hoot!

Never a dull moment in our house :)

All finished!!

Sniff-sniff...besides the crib that Chase still sleeps in, this is the last piece of baby equipment we own and it has recently been replaced with a booster seat.

On a happy note, Kennedy is proud to show the last of her overnight pull-ups...which she handed down to our niece. She is officially, completely out of them!!

We enjoyed finally getting a foot of the white stuff a few weeks ago! Finally!!! Chase wasn't sure what to think of it but he loves being outside so he didn't fuss when we squished his little feet in the boots and put on the snow boots.

Chase, lovin' his bubbles!

Making homemade valentine's with Grandma!

Kennedy and Ryder, two peas in a pod :)

How many can pile on Daddy for horse ride?

Our little hoop-star!!!

I made this fun Valentine shirt with puffy paint :)

Kyndal made these sweet snow-person's!

Valentine's...the kids each got a new movie! The favorite so far is "The Little Rascals", too funny!

We took advantage of a warmish day last week and the kids busted out their bikes and did some major splashing!

I hope you are having a great week, thanks for reading!