We are so blessed....Casey's sister, Erika, and her family moved to Lincoln just a little less than a year ago. They have been such a huge help to us in so many ways! Her husband, Jimmy, takes Kyndal to school (along with their two sons) and picks her up each day. It gives me such peace of mind knowing she's in good hands. Kyndal and Corbin also take full advantage of the "sleepovers" at Aunt Erika's house! And we've recently been reaping the rewards of her first garden....cucumbers anyone?!

Last week Casey decided to take the kids over to ride her horses. The kids hadn't ridden them since we visited Erika last summer in Cheyenne. Kyndal especially was looking forward to the adventure and she wasn't disappointed. She got all decked out in her "riding clothes" complete with cowgirl hat.
Aunt Erika's horses are very gentle. She actually had a therapeutic riding business in Cheyenne for special needs children. We are very excited that our kids have the opportunity to learn to ride on them!
First, they got a lesson on brushing and saddling up the horses and why they should walk directly behind the horses where they can't be kicked.
Then they learned which side to get on and off. We're not sure how much Corbin absorbed, but Kyndal was hanging on every word.
Once they got going and Erika taught Kyndal how to show Annie which way to turn, Kyndal took off on her own on a walk. We were pretty stunned at how "brave" she was.....we (especially her Grandma Hudson) would love for her to get attached to riding. She talks about riding now non-stop, and has been riding once again since then. We'll see if it sticks!
What a blast! Cute pictures!
How awesome! What a great experince and so nice to have family close!
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