
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Sunday, August 23, 2009

KC's Creations

After many arguments and fights at the dinner table over one certain position at the table, I decided to try out an idea I had. I created and laminated an individual nametag for each one of us and applied tape to the back. Each evening I rotate the nametags around one spot. From the first day that we used them the arguments have ceased!! Well, except for when I forget to rotate the tags!

Casey's original comment was that he's never seen a table with nametags...but since the fighting over it has stopped, he's not complaining! (They find plenty of other things to argue about though!) This past weekend I decided to move the nametags to the backs of our chairs as I was constantly replacing the tape and it was a pain to wipe down the table.

1 comment:

Jodee said...

Great idea! We don't have that problem -- we always sit in the same seat!

I just realized they dismiss early on Tuesday. Can we do the Y thing again already or do we need to come up with a Plan B? PLC days suck!

Hope you have a great week!