Our daycare Director told me how brave he was, no tears at all, just worried that he was in trouble because he shouldn't have been running. It wasn't until they got to our Pediatrician's office that the trauma began. He received 4 internal and 7 external stitches. The nurse's said he was a very strong little boy. He kicked, screamed and resisted the entire time.
He is totally fine now, I think the visit to Runza and the playland helped cheer him up, and he hasn't complained of any pain so far. We are very thankful that it was a minor injury (in our book) and that he didn't injure his eye or something worse. Please pray for our little guy, that nothing happens to the wound in the next week (he is VERY active) and for full healing. Oh....and for the lucky doctor that gets to remove the stitches!
Poor guy! I understand what you guys went thru @ the doctor. I recall a certain 1-year old kicking & crying thru stitches so hard that he fell asleep right on the table from exhaustion! Glad he's ok and being a good spirit. Good luck to the one who has to take them out!!!
The poor little guy! I hope he is feeling better soon! It looks like it hurts!
Oh my! He got a pretty good gash. I hope the everything heals and the stitches come out okay.
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