
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Holy Jeans"

I learned an interesting lesson last night. Well, maybe a few lessons......

1. Don't pick out Corbin's clothes in the dark.
2. Make sure you at least take a quick look at him after he gets dressed.
3. Purge any jeans with holes.

I had an early morning meeting so Casey dropped Corbin off at daycare. Last night I saw the evidence of what I had chosen for him to wear that day. His jeans were completely shredded down both sides of the front! Apparently they had holes to begin with (Casey noticed but I obviously didn't because I would have thrown them away!) So when I dropped him off this morning at daycare and apologized/admitted what happened, I heard the rest of the story.

The girls giggled as they said throughout the day Corbin kept ripping his jeans further and further. My saving grace is that Casey is the one that dropped him off and guys can get away with things like that happening LOL My only regret is I don't have a picture of Corbin in those Hulk style shredded jeans; but I think your imaginations can take over here, and see him grinning from ear to ear with those big dimples, proud of his "holy jeans"! Have a great week!


agmommy said...

Yeah those little boys just don't care. Now Ashlynn would have freaked and said "I can't wear these, they have holes in them!" (Speaking from experience, I sent a pair with small holes to Grandma's for the weekend recently and she complained when they dressed her LOL)!

Jodee said...

What a hoot! Holy jeans are in style so I bet Corbin looked just fine!

Happy Hump Day!

Kim said...

I can totally see the smile and the big dimples. My kids are pretty easy on their clothes it the highwaters that I forget to pull out and then that is what they want to wear, lol!