
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Simple Joys

I adore when my children do or say something that amazes me....and I'm so thankful for how often it happens! Lately, Kennedy has taken me off guard several times. Her vocabulary continues to explode and she picks up things from the older two daily, so it shouldn't surprise me, but it still never fails to.

I'm starting a tradition this year, a book of "Things We're Thankful For". Look for a separate post later once we have them all down....but here's a preview. While playing our favorite game (Candyland) Tuesday night, I popped the question to get a few initial responses from the kids. "What are you thankful for, what makes you happy?" The two oldest weren't really into it and mentioned a couple objects, but Kennedy got really excited. I was assuming she wouldn't understand what I was asking, but I think I was wrong. She mentioned specific people in her life (and I wasn't the 1st one either, haha!) I was pleasantly surprised!

Two other things that have given me goosebumps lately with her. One day, I barely missed getting on videotape this incident. She loves to read and it's a nightly ritual to read together. I heard her repeating almost word for word one of her favorite books while turning the pages all by herself in her room. A few days later during the afternoon (supposed to be napping!) I heard her sweet little voice singing "climbed up in a tree......YOU COME DOWN!.......going to your house today!" She was singing "Zaccheus was a wee little man..." I haven't been singing that with her so again, taken off guard with her little memory. Two other songs she's been singing recently, "He's Got the Whole Word in His Hands" and "Jesus Loves Me". One last thing, last night she wanted to be the one to say the bedtime prayer. I think Jesus is working on my little girl's heart. Instead of the typical "Thank you for the food, amen" that she always says (before a meal and at bedtime), she rattled off several things and people that she was praying for. Thanks to God for helping me slow down enough to enjoy each of these moments!

1 comment:

Jodee said...

I love this time of year! It is sooo important to stop and count our blessings!

Can't wait to hear more about your book! Cute stories and picture!