
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Kyndal!

My sweet girl is seven years old! It seems like yesterday that it was just Casey and I, preparing for our worlds to change. Putting the new crib together and decorating the baby's new room in the home we had recently finished building. Wondering how our lives would change, would we have a boy or girl, what we would name he/she?

And then the day came. I went to work as normal on Tuesday. Our doctor was going out of town for the weekend so we had reluctantly agreed to induce on Wednesday morning before he left. But Kyndal didn't wait that long. Around noon I began having some light contractions, though I wasn't sure about I continued with my day, even my normal afternoon workout! It was a beautiful day so I went out for a power walk. 15 minutes away I realized it wasn't the smartest thing to be out in the middle of downtown having contractions, so I headed back.

I left at 5, and when I got to my car the contractions were beginning to get a little stronger. I actually stopped to sign the contract with our future daycare provider, Lora, who we had interviewed with the day before. Around 9 I realized this was the real deal and it was going to be the night!

We loaded up at 10:30 and headed to the hospital. It was 11:30 before I got all checked in and "settled" the time the nurse checked me it was too late for any pain relief....I was just relieved our doctor made it in time. Kyndal Noelle was born at 12:30 am, our first Wednesday baby.

We love celebrating her birth each year...and this year was no exception. Happy Birthday, Kyndal!

A new art set that she has put to good use!

Hooked up for summer swimming at the YMCA, goggles, a suit and new towel.

A new bike helmet. We love spring!!

Her first party outside of our home....pool party at the Cooper Y!

Corbin leaps in!

Kyndal and Casey

Kennedy and Casey

The troop

Her m&m rainbow cake that I made. You can't see them well, but there are marshmallow clouds!

Blowing out the candles

The party was a hit, and it was soooo nice to not have major clean-up, especially since Kennedy's party was the next day at our house. Yes, their birthdays are only 2 days apart, that's another blog entry, stay tuned!

1 comment:

Jodee said...

Happy Birthday, Kyndal! Carson had soooo much fun at her party! I loved her rainbow cake!