
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weekend Fun

We took advantage of the "not-quite-as-steamy" weather this past weekend and spent a little more time outdoors.

Both Kyndal and Corbin had softball/t-ball games on Saturday and I squeezed in some "M&M time" with each of the kids too...something I wanted to do before "Baby C" arrives.

Kyndal and I went on a shopping hunt to find "silly bandz" which apparently is the newest fad these days. She was so excited to buy them with her own money. I'm sure that will wear off before I know it!

While Kyndal was at a birthday party Saturday afternoon, Kennedy and I grabbed cookies from Eileen's and played at a small nearby park:

Then we picked up Kyndal and headed to Corbin's game. Since we had two cars there, Casey took the girls and Corbin and I stopped to pick up doughnuts for Sunday breakfast (that is seriously what he wanted to do for his special time!) and then he enjoyed an ice cream cone.

We met up again at home before heading to Kyndal's late game and then we all went to Applebee's.

On Sunday Casey skipped town with some friends to do some 4-wheeling, something he hasn't gotten to do much this year due to all the rain. The kids and I ate our doughnuts from Corbin and then headed off to church.

They were like angels getting ready and had a great morning so after lunch I surprised them with a quick trip to the Cooper pool. It was overcast and 80s, so totally comfortable for me and the water was perfect!

I think Kennedy went down the slide at least 100 times. I had to beg her to go into the pool with me!

We stopped by the library after our swim to turn in our summer reading program sheets and then topped the outing off with a stop at the Dairy Sweet for Billy Bars! After they polished their treats off I enjoyed watching them play tag in the grass behind them.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Yep, I'm definitely there. I'm crossing items off my "to-do list" daily. Both at work and at home. Just hoping I get it all done in time! We are less than two weeks out from due date, it's so hard to believe. The kids are so excited, they can hardly wait to find out if it's a "he" or a "she" and they can't wait to be helpers (especially the girls.) I hope that I get to hold the baby sometimes :o)

I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. The nausea has stuck with me the whole pregnancy and I'm ready to kiss the heartburn good-bye! I'm about 5 pounds shy of the average of what I gained with the other 3 (gained 41 lbs so far!) but I feel bigger! Maybe it's the heat...

The baby's room is complete, here's a few pics. It's brown and yellow with stars:

Where we'll be changing many diapers!

Stars that line the tops of two walls.

Where Baby C will snooze...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

4th of July

Yes, I am going to get caught up eventually! I have actually been reading more lately, one of my passions that I usually deny myself and lately have been splurging. So....more reading=less computer time!

We had planned to go to my hometown for my 15 year high school reunion over the 4th of July weekend and be back in time to celebrate the evening of the 4th in Lincoln. But I decided that at 8 months pregnant and having recently been on two long trips (both included some hot weather) staying home sounded much more appealing. Our good friends, the Wyatt's, were in town for the weekend and I had plenty of "nesting" to do too. (More on that in a later post if I don't get tied up in another novel!)

We enjoyed a low-key but fun weekend, lots of fireworks and food and most importantly family and friends! Even with the rain on Sunday, our fun wasn't spoiled. Instead of meeting everyone to play some sand volleyball, we decided to potluck it at our house and then head over to Craig and Erin's for fireworks. At the last minute Casey decided we should take in the parade in Seward. No planning = no camera! So I didn't get any pics of the parade but the kids are still enjoying the sack full of candy that serves as proof that we were there! And I have plenty of pics from the rest of the weekend for you to enjoy:

Max Wyatt enjoy a turkey leg!

The go-cart and 4-wheelers kept the kids entertained at our house. Corbin took Max for a little ride.
Nate takes a turn at the wheel with Max and Ellie

Kennedy struggled a little with sharing...she thought she had to be a passenger if she couldn't drive!
Ellie got stuck, Kennedy gives her a little push

Corbin and Kennedy, going FAST
Charity took the little girls for a ride. Who had more fun?

Sporting his new mohawk and flag
Very few pics of Kyndal; she spent most of the night indoors (not a fan of fireworks!)Kennedy and her sparkler


The boys, blowing things up
Hurry, get out of the way!
Jimmy and Ryder

The Wyatt's

3 expectant Mom's! Me in August, Erin in November and Erika in September!
Enjoying the big bangs

Friday, July 23, 2010

Little Slugger

After practicing in the backyard many times this spring (and last year with Big Sis), Corbin finally got his turn at playing t-ball "for reals". He was so excited to wear his YMCA uniform, a green t-shirt and ball cap. The coach even had their names put on the backs of their shirts and numbers on their caps for them......which made Kyndal a little jealous!
Both Kyndal and Corbin play on Saturdays and at least half their games conflicted with each other so Casey and I have taken turns on whose we go to.

Here's some footage of our little sports nut:
Thanks to Jodee at Follow the Leaders for the awesome idea of the traveling sandbox. It has been an absolute HIT for Kennedy during the games. And she's instantly the most popular girl around....every week she's surrounded by little friends wanting to share in the fun. Good thing we have a sand volleyball court to dip into to refill the box each week!

And here is Miss K doing her thing in the sand:

Friday, July 16, 2010

KC's Creation

M&M Time:

This spring I formally started something I've been wanting to do for awhile. With the baby due just a few months away I felt like I needed to purposefully schedule in one-on-one time with each kid at least once a month. We already naturally split the kids up frequently, but it seemed like I rarely did something with just Corbin and with the baby on the way I didn't want to slip in a routine of never having that special time with the others (which is pretty typical for me during babe's first year.)

The kids LOVE this new tradition we have, it's called "M&M Time", (Mom and Me Time)... like I mentioned we squeeze it in at least once a month and it's often not scheduled but we do stay pretty fair in taking turns (they make sure of it!) We have done a variety of things already and I'm not sure who has enjoyed the outings more! And I have to admit we've squeezed in some "errands" along with the fun stuff. But what I've found out is that they enjoy that part of it too, I don't think the "what" is nearly important to them as the "time" that they get me all to themselves!

Here are some things we have done:

Kyndal: literacy night at Roper, ice cream at the Dairy Sweet, run to Walmart, slush from Sonic

Corbin: trip to the park, stop for ice cream, trip to Hobby Lobby

Kennedy: shopping for horseshoes for her new room (and got to hold baby chicks!), trip to Runza, playing at the park, grocery shopping at Russ's including her own package of M&M's!

I am looking forward to the many years ahead of this tradition...and I welcome new ideas in your comments!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Birthday Boy Part 2

On Corbin's actual birthday we enjoyed some fun traditions. The first was that he woke up to a present at his place on the breakfast table. It definitely got his day off to a great start!

His "breakfast present"----a Husker football costume!

Starting with their fifth birthday I've decided to make the tradition of taking the day off work and spending it with them. I had a meeting that morning so I had to work until 11:00, but we still had plenty of time to do many of his favorite things.

We started the afternoon off by meeting up with Daddy at Applebee's!

His birthday dessert after being totally embarassed by the Applebee's birthday song!

Then it was off to the Children's Museum!

He looks so LITTLE here!

He wanted to go to the park SOOO bad. The heat index was over 100, but it was HIS day so I agreed. I was secretly glad when less than 15 minutes had gone by and he was ready to find some a/c! I suggested the library and his face lit up.....

After doing some reading and signing up for the summer library program he took me up on my idea to have a water gun fight at home. He still naps at daycare so he dozed on the way home.

We broke out his new water guns and super soaker...I think this was his favorite part of the afternoon with me. It was the perfect way to cool off and end our special time together :o)

After dinner it was time to open his gifts from us. Another tradition, we like to have them open their gifts from us just as a family.

A new t-ball he doesn't have to borrow big sister's pink bat!

The grand finale, a new bike! He busted out the tools and took off the training wheels himself. I forgot they were on there when I bought it.

Taking a spin....Happy Birthday, Corbin!