Both Kyndal and Corbin had softball/t-ball games on Saturday and I squeezed in some "M&M time" with each of the kids too...something I wanted to do before "Baby C" arrives.
Kyndal and I went on a shopping hunt to find "silly bandz" which apparently is the newest fad these days. She was so excited to buy them with her own money. I'm sure that will wear off before I know it!
While Kyndal was at a birthday party Saturday afternoon, Kennedy and I grabbed cookies from Eileen's and played at a small nearby park:
Then we picked up Kyndal and headed to Corbin's game. Since we had two cars there, Casey took the girls and Corbin and I stopped to pick up doughnuts for Sunday breakfast (that is seriously what he wanted to do for his special time!) and then he enjoyed an ice cream cone.
We met up again at home before heading to Kyndal's late game and then we all went to Applebee's.
On Sunday Casey skipped town with some friends to do some 4-wheeling, something he hasn't gotten to do much this year due to all the rain. The kids and I ate our doughnuts from Corbin and then headed off to church.
They were like angels getting ready and had a great morning so after lunch I surprised them with a quick trip to the Cooper pool. It was overcast and 80s, so totally comfortable for me and the water was perfect!
It looks like you guys are soaking up the last few weeks of summer too! I love the last picture and it looks like a familiar place to us! I need the Dairy Sweet to close before I gain another 20 pounds!
Thanks again for picking up tomorrow night! I owe you!
Aaahhhh, summer. My favorite time of year by far!
What a fun weekend! I love that Corbin wanted to get donuts, it sounds like Mason. The Silly bands have officially made their appearance at our house too. Cars and trucks and campers oh my!
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