He is now 3 1/2 months old. He began rolling over right before he turned 2 months and weiged 13 lbs 13 oz at his 2 month appointment. He is starting to laugh and has an amazing smile with big dimples. His eyes have turned from a dark gray to bright blue. Nursing is going very well, (note weight gain!) Nights....typically sleeps 4 hours then is up every 2 hours after that.
I have to share some of my favorite most recent shots of him....it was so hard to pick! I'm not sure who said that you take fewer pictures the more kids you have; I truly think I'm opposite!
This little girl has recently stepped up in her big sister role. She wants to do everything for him and has been sooooo helpful! It's just been in the last couple weeks but it's been a huge blessing! Sporting his new "C" outfit from the Leaders! He can still wear some 3 month clothing, but he fills out this 9 month shirt very nicely :o) We love it!!
Wow! Time flies when you are having fun! I can't believe your sweet little guy is already three months old. He is just adorable! Congrats on three happy months together!
What a sweet boy, and what an amazing Mom he has!
Oh, Karla! He is the perfect addition, his is a great combo of all your kids. I love his dimples.
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