Very fitting as we start a new year...soon I will post on our New Years celebration :o)
I have been listening to a national Christian radio station (K-Love) these past several days and their suggestion this month is to instead of setting (several/multiple/unobtainable) new years resolutions, to choose one word that describes what you want your focus to be throughout the year.
I love the idea and so many words have passed through my thoughts, but the one that has really stuck is "TRUE". This describes what I want to set my sights on this year...
1. To focus on the ultimate truth, God's word, and deepen my relationship with Him.
2. To be true to my husband, give him the better part of my day and not what's leftover (which is often nothing!)
3. To teach my children the truth, about God's love, about caring for each other, appreciating our blessings, helping others.
4. To be a true friend. To reach out, help where/when I can, to be there for my friends.
Yes, these sound like resolutions, but I'm not the type to get tied down to a list of them....Which is why having a focus of one word may just work for me.
So, what would your word be?
Well, I can't leave without posting ONE picture :o) Here's one Casey took yesterday on their snow day (more to come later!)
Congrats on your 100th post! As always I enjoy reading and I really like how you ties all of that into one word. I might have to think on that a bit.
Glad to see the kids made the most of their snow day! We did too, I got stuck in our neighborhood.
Congrats on your 100th post! I am approaching 1,000 posts in the next two months. I don't know where the years go!
I love the one word resolution idea and I already think you are a true friend! You are always the first to help! My word is "simple." I want to keep life simple!
Hmmmm... What a good one word idea! I love words, so I'm going to try to work on that. Thanks for the encouragement! Take care!
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