Brrrr! It's snow day #2 and the Hudson's haven't gone crazy (yet)!! Casey and I have been splitting the time off, he works the morning and I work the afternoons. Plus last night was my late duty night so I still got a full day in.
Kennedy hasn't gotten out of her pj's, she cried when I made her put on clean ones last night after her bath! And Corbin has been wearing short sleeves and shorts for two days. Wishing for summer weather?!
Here are some shots from a snow day earlier this month. Casey took the older kids sledding (Chase went to daycare.) They didn't last too long. We were hoping to take them skiing this year but they aren't too fond of the cold, not sure it would go over so well!

We took advantage of the down time this week and got a couple of school projects completed that are due this month. Corbin's class is celebrating their "100th day of school" and he needed to bring 100 of the same objects to show. He chose marshmallows! Kinda like mini-snowballs he said, ha!

Kyndal is doing a research project on polar bears and she needed to complete a project at home. I was really proud of her, she did this 100% on her own, all her own ideas! I thought I would need/have to give her ideas and help her with it, but she didn't give me a chance.

We've been MIA on the blog lately, just so much going on. It's New Years resolution time and just like every year, it's obvious at the Y. Which means me being crazy busy and pulling extra hours there. It's fun to see more activity at the Y and helping both new and old members set new goals and find new things to do at our branch. We also have gotten some new equipment and started some new classes, so that has added to my craziness :o)
I am also coaching Kyndal's basketball team on Sunday afternoons. I'm hoping to snag at least some still pictures one of these weeks, but difficult to do when I'm coaching!
At home, little Chase (I mean big Chase!) is growing crazy fast. He turned 6 months on Monday (I know, already?!) He is 18 lbs, 13 oz, 75th percentile....27" long. He's only got 4 lbs and 2" before he outgrows his carseat. Time to start shopping for a convertible one! He will probably get a new one since Kennedy didn't use one and the other one is pretty beat up from the older two.

He is sitting up by himself and already starting to army crawl. I'm so not ready for him to be on the move! He is still a super happy baby, very animated. Nowhere near sleeping through the night (yawn) but we're dealing just fine! He and I will be enjoying a weekend at Camp Kitaki with some of my girlfriends starting this Friday morning. I'm looking forward to some chill time!

Last weekend my sister/family from Kansas came to coming soon on our adventures!
Holy cow, girlfriend! You are busy! How do you do it?!
Love, love, love the pictures of baby Chase. He looks like a mini-Corbin to me! He is absolutely adorable! I can't believe how fast the first year goes! Six months is my favorite age though!
So fun to see Kyndal's school project. We are currently working on a "lion" project. Pictures to be posted if and when it ever gets done! It has become a family affair! It's taking longer than anticipated!
I am back to report that Cory and Carson are officially done with the lion project. I scored him some adorable googly eyes from Hobby Lobby tonight. Whooo hooo!
See you Saturday at dance! We can't wait!
Yeah, my kids were kind of going stir crazy on the snow days and Ava wanted to wear her summer pajamas too! We all need spring to get here!!
Your baby is chunky like mine! So precious! He looks like a very happy little guy. :)
P.S. I was very excited to see the new stair climber machines at the Fallbrook Y...hoping they get one of those machines at the Northeast Y! They are amazing and a total body workout for me! (Now I just need time to actually GO there...)
What great pictures, Chase is getting so big! I am proud of Kyndal for doing her project on her own. I love what Corbin said about the Marshmellows, too cute. Kennedy sound like Alyssa loves her jammies.
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