I am struggling...with the fact that my last baby has turned one. I am blessed beyond measure, but I can't help but feel a little sad with all of these changes and transitions.
Chase, on the other hand, wow, what a champ, he is taking this all in stride. In fact, he's embracing these transitions. He has been such an easy-going child, I know I shouldn't be surprised. I guess he didn't get the memo from the older three on how weak I can be and easily I can give in :)
Here are the promised month to month pictures of Chase.

As I mentioned, these last few weeks have included so many changes for the little guy.
A week before his birthday he finally decided to sleep through the night (having done so only ONE night before--on my own birthday earlier in July.) And he has slept through the night every night since with the exception of a few times of fussing himself back to sleep. Wow. Sleep-wise, he is also starting to drop his morning nap already.

We are down to nursing only once every day or two. This is the hardest one for me. I have enjoyed nursing all four of my babies through their first birthday, and the realization of being done with breastfeeding is tough. I will NOT miss pumping however!

A few days before his birthday, we ran out of bottle liners at daycare so we switched right over to a sippy cup. No more bottles!

Baby food....we are down to just these few containers in the cupboard and will be buying no more.

We even have him doing chores already! Not really, but he has watched his siblings unload the dishwasher and pick up toys, and he seriously does both now. He hands the silverware to Kennedy and she puts it away and he sometimes picks up his toys, crawls over and throws them into his toy box.

Although he is not walking yet, he is standing more and more. He is also attempting to climb stairs.

This past weekend I finally had an hour to devote to my car. It severely needed cleaning out. Once I accomplished that goal I re-installed his carseat to the forward facing position. This is probably his favorite transition point :)

Words.....he says dada, thank you and mama (not to me but at daycare).

And tonight, he got his first haircut. So now he even looks like a big boy.

Wow, I love that guy. And I love how gentle and sweet his siblings still are with him. And I know how quickly that is going to change as he approaches the toddler years and is in all their stuff!
How very sweet. Time really does fly. Today is Joel's last day of preschool/daycare since he starts kindergarten next week! Maci turns 4 next month, so we have just finished donating all of her baby and toddler toys, and we are officially a "big kid" house now. It seems like our kids should still have a boppy and aquarium in their cribs like Chase does, but those are long gone. Can't believe it. Blessings to you!
There is something magical about the first year and we know how fast the next few years will fly right by!
So glad Chase is embracing all of his big boy steps! He is such a handsome little guy!
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