I can't believe it was just a year ago that Kyndal and her BFF, Kaysia, went to overnight camp for half a week. She had the.best.time.ever. She cried the night she got home because she wanted to go back and stay the full week.

She spent the next six months trying to convince me that she wanted to go for a week this summer. After talking to her friend's parents we agreed to let the girls go. Early this spring, two more of their friends in their class decided they wanted to go too!
A week before camp we got together with the other three families for ice cream and to visit about the upcoming adventure. While Kyndal and Kaysia filled the other two in on what to bring and the activities they would be doing, the parents asked lots of questions and discussed getting there early so the girls could bunk next to each other.

It was so stinkin' hot when we dropped the girls off, but they were so excited, I could tell it didn't bother them a bit! This was seriously the longest week ever without my oldest around. It's amazing, how much quieter our house was without her around though!

She was so excited for trying out "Polar Bears"(swimming first thing in the early morning), horseback riding, campfire, sleeping on the top bunk, and oh, all the crafts!

The "Four" Musketeers :o) She said they all got along great in their cabin.
They loved their counselor and had so much fun.

Top bunk!

They were in the "Ladybugs" cabin

The crew at pick-up....all smiles!

She had so much stuff! (Who taught this kid how to pack??! We like to be prepared, ha!)
She and Corbin are already talking about camp next summer. Apparently this is becoming a yearly tradition. I can't believe he will be old enough next summer! We love Camp Kitaki!!!
We miss Camp Kitaki so much! Hopefully our kids will be able to go there someday.
So glad Kyndal had a great time at camp! Still can't believe Carson got sick enough that he had to come home from camp! He and Mason might try a week next year! We will see!
Looking forward to tie dying shirts with you on Sunday!
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