
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Candyland and Grandma

I have started a new tradition this year with my family (hopefully I will stick with it!) I purchased a journal and intend to post in it each year five things that each family member is thankful for at Thanksgiving time. I loved each of their responses, they were genuine, sweet and unique. Below are my children's responses, I hope you enjoy them as well!

Kyndal is thankful for...
the holidays
food (she is definitely mine!)
her home
her posters in her room

Corbin is thankful for...
Candyland (maybe because we were playing it when I asked him?!)
his stuffed bunny
his Curious George stuffed animal
for Kyndal giving him several books

Kennedy is thankful for...
(I thought her response was intriguing, that she thought of people after listening to her siblings!)
Mommy (yes, I was 3rd on her list!)

I won't list all of Casey's and mine, but I will say I am most thankful for the God I serve and for all that He has blessed me with. May you each remember your blessings all throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving!


Kim said...

What great things to be thankful for. i love hearing the kids responses.

I love the new look of your blog too! Looks like you got a few other things done besides buying and wrapping gifts! I bet you are very excited to see Casey and the kids today!

Jodee said...

I love this idea and I especially love their responses! I kept a journal when Carson was first born and I love to go back and read it!

Hope you have a great Sunday!

agmommy said...

What sweet responses! Those little ones sure do turn your head with things they say don't they!