
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 10 Reasons....

This post idea came to me while working out today. It's more for keeping me motivated more than anything...but maybe it will inspire you too!

Top 10 Reasons I Work Out (even when I don't want to!)

1. I'm scared not to. Literally, in my profession, I have read the obesity studies and stats and I don't want to go there.

2. I feel better afterwards. Not always right away, but I know it makes a difference.

3. For my kids. I want to be a good example and I want them to be healthy and active.

4. I have to. How can I be a Health and Wellness Director and NOT take care of myself in this capacity.

5. My pregnancies and labor's haven't been as difficult. True, I can't compare it since I've worked out up to and including the day of delivery with all 3 kids, but I'm going with my gut on this one. Now before you think I'm some fanatic, I'm talking moderately active, just getting my heart rate up and breaking a sweat...I have a baby to protect!

6. I enjoy it. Sometimes. I really enjoy sports...too bad they're so hard on my body!

7. For my health. Not just to avoid obesity, but heart disease, cancers, diabetes, etc.; and to be stronger if I am stricken with one.

8. Ice cream. Yep, I love it....and I don't feel AS guilty when I eat it every night.

9. Energy. It truly does create more energy. When I go a couple days without being active I feel like a major slug.

10. My kids. Oh, did I say that one already. It's that important...stats are bad these days and this generation is in trouble. I want to model good behaviors, and I want to be around to enjoy my grandkids.

Grab some shoes....let's go for a walk.


Jodee said...

You go girl! I wish I had your motivation! Holler when you want to go for a walk! I am just down the road!

agmommy said...

Perfect list! I'd add:

*It creates a positive attitude for me every (ok MOST) day(s)!

*I enjoy the social interaction of fellow members of the gym ~ making new friends, acquiring new ideas for workouts, etc!

P.S. I'd LOVE to go on a walk with my sister EVERY day!

Karla said...
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