
Hudson's Fall 2011

Hudson's Fall 2011
Corbin, Kennedy, Karla, Chase, Casey, Kyndal

Saturday, November 27, 2010

2nd Grade Volleyball

Another Youth Sports season is in the books! Volleyball is Kyndal's favorite these days and I enjoyed co-coaching her team this fall. The only downfall to coaching...I wasn't able to take pictures of her playing :o) I managed to get a few team pictures (minus one girl) right before the last game.

The girls improved a lot over the six weeks but most importantly seemed to have a good time; they all knew each other already from school and got along well. I'm not sure if Kyndal will choose to play volleyball all the way through high school, but I look forward to supporting her as long as she does!

Next up is basketball. So far there are no volunteers to coach so yours truly will likely be it again.

I made these little baskets of goodies to celebrate their season.

Go Cosmos!!!


Jodee said...

It looks like you have a little athlete on your hands! You also get "Mom of the Year" award for coaching!

Kim said...

Great job for stepping up to coach! I hope they had a great season.